Pacifiers: A Review

  Review Paper

  Nagendran Jayavel ,
Jayavel, N. (2023). Pacifiers: A Review. Journal of the Indian Dental Association Tamil Nadu, 14(1), 29-32.    DOI :


Pacifiers play a crucial role in infant care and soothing behaviors, and their use has been a subject of extensive research. This literature review aims to synthesize the existing body of knowledge on pacifiers and their impact on various aspects of infant development and well-being. Through an analysis of relevant studies, the review examines the effects of pacifier use on breastfeeding practices, oral health, sleep patterns, and emotional regulation in infants. Additionally, the review explores the potential benefits and risks associated with pacifier usage, considering factors such as age, duration of use, and weaning strategies. By consolidating and evaluating the findings from diverse studies, this review provides a comprehensive understanding of the implications of pacifiers on infants, aiding caregivers, healthcare professionals, and parents in making informed decisions regarding their use.


Pacifiers, Infants, Babies, Non-Nutritive Sucking.

 How To Cite This Article?

Jayavel, N. (2023). Pacifiers: A Review. Journal of the Indian Dental Association Tamil Nadu, 14(1), 29-32.

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