Internally Weighted Mandibular Denture for the Management of Atrophic Mandibular Ridge - A Case Report


  J. Dhivya Priya , R. Lambodharan , B. Siva Saranya , S. Deenadayalan
   DOI :


Prosthodontic rehabilitation of a severely resorbed mandibular foundation using a complete denture prosthesis poses a great challenge. The extreme residual ridge resorption affects the retention, stability, and support of the complete denture prosthesis. Various treatment options are available for the management of an atrophic mandibular ridge. The concept of an internally weighted denture suggests that gravity and the additional weight added to the mandibular complete denture aid in the retention of the prosthesis. This article reports a case of an atrophied mandibular ridge for which an internally weighted mandibular complete denture was fabricated with a customized weighted metal framework.


Atrophic Mandibular Ridge, Internally Weighted Mandibular Denture, Retention, Reinforcement.

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