Management of Palatogingival Groove Associated with Localized Periodontitis - A Case Report


  V. Benedict , K. S. Premkumar , C. S. Prabhahar , M. Jeevitha
   DOI :


Palatogingival groove is a developmental anomaly that has been implicated as an initiating factor in localized gingivitis and periodontitis. These grooves, which facilitate plaque growth, can present a challenge to the dentist in diagnosis and treatment planning. This article describes the management of shallow palatogingival grooves present in the maxillary incisors. In the present case, a timely diagnosis was made and treated surgically with odontoplasty. The grooves were sealed with BiodentineTM and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA). On re-examination of the patient after 6 months, the patient had good oral hygiene and no signs of disease progression.


Palatogingival, Periodontitis, Case Report, Odontoplasty.

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