Stem Cells - Saviour Seeds of Periodontal Therapy


  Hima Sai Chandana Devi A. , Gayathri S. , Nandhini V. , Sumathi H. Rao , P. B. Anand , Geetha T.
   DOI :


Periodontal disease is the major cause of tooth loss, characterized by the inflammation of the tooth-supporting structures. Among periodontal diseases, chronic periodontitis is most commonly seen for decades. Achieving functional regeneration is done by surgical procedures, but with limited success. Recently, stem cells have been used for the regeneration of the periodontium. Stem cells are multipotent and show an effective therapeutic tool for periodontal regeneration, due to their plasticity and ability to differentiate into different cell lineages. This review provides an update about stem cells and their applications, which can be future saviors in periodontal therapy.


Stem Cells, Cell Based Therapy, Periodontal Regeneration.

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