Evaluation of Severity and Treatment Need Using Occlusal and IOTN Indices in Coimbatore Population - A Descriptive Study


  Vijaya kumar R. K. , Apros Kanna
   DOI : https://doi.org/


The prevalence of malocclusion is now high among the majority of the population, showing variations among different ethnic and population groups. It is well-documented in various literatures that the present prevalence of malocclusion is several times greater than it was only a few hundred years ago. The purpose of this study is to assess the objective and subjective levels of severity and orthodontic treatment need in the Coimbatore population using the OCCLUSAL and IOTN indices. The study sample comprised two hundred outpatients (78 male and 122 female) aged above 13 years with a full complement of adult dentition. Study models and photographs were taken, and subjective and objective assessments of the traits were quantified using the respective index scoring sheets. The data was analyzed using the Normality test and Frequency test to assess the severity and treatment need. A chi-square test was performed to assess gender association with the frequency of the problem, and Spearman's correlation test was performed to assess the correlation among the three variables used in this study. The findings from all the indices indicated a high prevalence of malocclusion in terms of severity and treatment need for this population. The objective and subjective findings showed poor correlation for both severity and treatment need, which could be due to patients' own perception of the problem. There was no gender difference in terms of the severity of malocclusion in this population.


Evaluation, Treatment, IOTN Indices, Coimbatore Population, Malocclusion, Occlusal.

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