Improved Wound Healing by Low Level Lasers


  V. Ramya , Bhuvaneswarri , N. Mani Sundar
   DOI :


The increasing use of lasers in dentistry reflects the great advances in this technology. In periodontics, high-power lasers, especially CO2 and ND: YAG lasers have been commonly used. However, these lasers have certain issues, such as high instrument costs and the potential for thermal injury. Therefore, semiconductor diode lasers have been predominantly used for applications that are broadly termed as Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or biostimulation. This article provides an overview of the efficiency of low-power lasers in periodontal wound healing.


Low-Level Laser Therapy, Wound Healing, Laser Biostimulation, Tissue Regeneration, Laser-Assisted Wound Healing, Photobiomodulation Therapy, Chronic Wounds.

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