Psychosomatic Disorders of the Oral Cavity – Review of Literature


  T. Vijayavel , M. Devaki , V. Ponni
   DOI :


Psychology is the specialty of science which studies the workings of the normal mind, including perceptions, sense organs, personality formation, learning, anger, stress, etc. Spering has called it "the science of individual behaviour and experience." Etiopathogenesis of many diseases is discovered and managed at an early stage. However, some diseases are considered idiopathic, making the diagnosis and treatment plan of such diseases controversial.Stress is one such etiology or predisposing factor in many diseases. Hence, the attitude and awareness of the dentist are crucial in detection and treatment. However, this is not an easy task because dentists rarely receive any training in psychiatry. Due to these problems, failure to recognize the development of anxiety will put the patient at risk of long-term sequelae of inadequate treatment. On the other hand, inability to diagnose psychogenic pain will lead to the use of inappropriate somatic treatments and a delay in referral for psychiatric help. This article provides an overview of psychosomatic diseases of the oral cavity.


Somatoform Disorders, Psychosomatic Conditions, Oral Psychosomatic Disorders, Oral Health, Oral Cavity.

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