Comparison of Radicular and Intra Radicular Stud Attachments: Case Reports


  Bharanija Kalidasan Selvi , Eazhil Raj , Jaya KrishnaKumar S. , Azhagarasan N. S.
   DOI :


Complete dentures present many problems that may be avoided by retaining selected key teeth roots. The retention of these roots makes it possible to fabricate a denture that provides better support, retention, stability, and comfort, superior to that of a conventional complete denture. Alveolar bone is preserved, and the occlusal vertical dimension and centric relation are maintained. Facial and lip changes are minimized, while the ability to masticate is maximized. Patients experience a sense of security and feel that they have their teeth and look their best. Despite recent developments in dental implantology, the conservative approach to root preservation is still valid. Placement of attachments in the abutments further increases retention of over dentures. Although many attachments, such as stud and bar attachments, are available, proper selection to meet the patient’s needs is essential.


Radicular, Intra Radicular Stud, Attachments.

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