Comparison Between Chlorhexidine and Herbal Mouthwash in Reduction of Plaque and Gingivitis - A Clinical Study


  Ruchi Pandey , Madhumala Thiruneervannan , R. Saranyan , P. Sreekanth
   DOI :


The aim of the study is to ascertain the reduction in plaque and gingivitis by using two mouthwash formulations, herbal and Chlorhexidine (CHX) 0.12%, and also to evaluate the efficacy of herbal mouthwash over CHX. This study was conducted after approval from the ethical committee, and written consent was obtained from the subjects. A total of 20 subjects aged between 18-35 years having mild to moderate gingivitis were randomly allotted to two groups, 10 each. The examiner was blinded towards groups (single-blinded). Plaque and gingival index were recorded at baseline and at the end of 21 days. Statistical analysis was performed using the percentage distribution test for comparing the post-effects of two mouthwashes, and the paired t-test was used for evaluating intra-group changes from baseline. The independent t-test was used to see inter-group changes. Results revealed that there was a significant reduction of plaque and gingival score in both groups, but on comparing the two groups, there was no significant difference. It was concluded that there was no significant difference between the herbal and the Chlorhexidine mouthwash; both are equally efficient in reducing plaque and gingival scores.


Chlorhexidine, Herbal Mouthwash, Reduction, Plaque, Gingivitis, Comparison.

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