Surgical Alveolar Corticotomy Assisted Retraction of Lower Incisors: A Case Report


  M. Narendra Reddy , K. S. Prem Kumar , V. Bhaskar
   DOI :


Orthodontists are continually searching for science-based treatment options to better address the needs and concerns of patients and to achieve better treatment acceptance. Limitations in traditional orthodontic techniques and the length of requisite treatment times often create barriers to providers and patients' willingness to accept orthodontics as part of the treatment plan. Surgical alveolar corticotomies in orthodontic therapy, with their own indications and protocols, greatly shorten the treatment times by causing bone demineralization through a Regional Acceleratory Phenomenon (RAP) that "supercharges" dentoalveolar tooth movement. With these procedures, an interdisciplinary team can modify the dentoalveolar complex predictably so that the teeth, alveolar bone, and skeletal components are addressed properly to maximize ideal functional and esthetic relationships while greatly reducing treatment time and increasing the stability of the result.


Surgical Alveolar Corticotomy, Lower Incisors, Orthodontists, Dentoalveolar.

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