Stem Cells in Periodontal Therapy (A Review)


  K. Sasireka , Bobby Kurien
   DOI :


Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that causes the loss of supporting periodontal tissues. For decades, periodontists have tried to find ways to repair the damage caused by periodontitis, but periodontal regeneration is still considered biologically possible but clinically unpredictable. Tissue engineering offers a new approach to periodontal tissue regeneration that relies on proper stem cells and effective cellular factors. It's astonishing to see how quickly the field of genetics has progressed in recent years, and one major discovery has revolutionized healthcare practice: the derivation of human embryonic stem cells. These cells can be directed to develop into specific tissues or organs to replace those that have been lost due to disease. The identification of mesenchymal stem cell populations within the periodontium has sparked interest in the potential use of stem cell-based therapies to treat the damage caused by periodontal diseases.


Stem Cells, Periodontal Therapy, Periodontitis, Inflammatory Disease.

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