Unilateral Condylar Fracture of Mandible in 13-Months


  Santhosh , N. Nandha Kumar , N. Mahathi
   DOI : https://doi.org/


Maxillofacial fractures are uncommon in children compared to adults, particularly in those less than 5 years of age. Condylar fractures are the most commonly occurring maxillofacial fractures in the pediatric age group, and they remain a challenge in diagnosis and management. The condylar fractures in children are usually greenstick or undisplaced fractures. This article discusses a rare type of displaced unilateral condylar fracture in a 13-month-old infant and its management.


Condylar Fracture, Mandible, Maxillofacial Fractures, Condylar Fractures.

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