Management of Trauma to Anterior Teeth with Mid Apical Root Fracture - A Case Report


  Gowthaman M. , Vinola D.
   DOI :


A variety of traumatic conditions such as falling and blows can cause dental trauma at an approximate rate of 20-60% to the facial region. Root fractures are relatively uncommon, comprising only 0.5-7% of all dental injuries in permanent dentition. The most common age range for root fractures involving the permanent dentition in children is between 11 and 20, with 75% affecting maxillary central incisors. Root fractures often present clinically as a slightly extruded tooth, often lingually displaced. The most common location of a root fracture is in the middle third of the root (57%), followed by the apical (34%) and coronal parts (9%). Without radiographic examination, it is usually impossible to distinguish between displacement due to a luxation injury versus a root fracture.


Dental Trauma, Root Fractures, Facial Region, Luxation Injury, Anterior Teeth.

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