Clock Wise or Anticlock Wise Maxillofacial Surgeon's Dilemma


  C. Prasad , S. Gandhiraj , Davidson Rajiah
   DOI :


Orthognathic surgery combines orthodontics and oral & maxillofacial surgery to diagnose, plan treatment, and correct musculoskeletal, dento-osseous, and soft tissue deformities of the jaws and associated structures. The therapeutic goals of orthognathic surgery are to achieve form, function, aesthetics, and stability. In this case study, we present the case of a 24-year-old female who reported to our college with complaints of a protruded lower jaw and tongue. Model analysis, cephalometric analysis, and other routine investigations were performed, and the patient was diagnosed with mandibular prognathism, macroglossia, and maxillary anterior open bite. We decided to perform a reduction glossectomy for macroglossia, an anterior maxillary osteotomy for the maxilla, and a bilateral sagittal split osteotomy for the mandible. The surgeon's dilemma is whether to proceed with maxillary and mandibular osteotomy followed by reduction glossectomy or vice versa. In this case, we operated in an anticlockwise manner and achieved a reasonably good result.


Clockwise or Anticlockwise, Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthognathic Surgery, Facial Bones.

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