Root Resorption in Orthodontics

  Review Paper

  C.B. Ajins , Dr. S.D. Milling Tania , Dr. SonaliRathore
Ajins, C. B., Tania, S. D. M., Rathore, S. (2022). Root Resorption in Orthodontics. Journal of the Indian Dental Association Tamilnadu, 13(1), 25-30.    DOI :


Root resorption can occur at any stage during orthodontic treatment and can compromise both the tooth's prognosis and the stability of the treatment results. Recent research has focused on identifying the causes and developing preventive or treatment options to combat this issue. A thorough medical history, assessment of predisposing factors, radiographic evaluation for alterations in root morphology, and careful planning and execution of orthodontic mechanics can help reduce the incidence of root resorption. The aim of this review is to provide clinicians and academicians with insights into the process of root resorption, methods for identifying it in its early stages, and intervention strategies to reduce its severity.


Root Resorption, Orthodontics.

 How To Cite This Article?

Ajins, C. B., Tania, S. D. M., Rathore, S. (2022). Root Resorption in Orthodontics. Journal of the Indian Dental Association Tamilnadu, 13(1), 25-30.

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